IEEE 1284-Compatible Parallel Interface Controller
with Two High-Speed Asynchronous Serial Ports
Product Features
Parallel Port (Peripheral-side)
High-speed, bidirectional, multi-protocol
parallel port:
s Hardware implementation of all modes of
the IEEE STD (Standard) 1284
specification (including automatic
— Centronics-compatible mode
— Reverse Byte mode
— Reverse Nibble mode
— ECP (extended capabilities port) mode
with run-length encoding/decoding
— EPP (enhanced parallel port) mode
— Up to 2-Mbytes/sec. transfer rate in ECP
and EPP modes
s 64-byte parallel FIFO with DMA interface
Two Serial UARTs
s Serial channel asynchronous protocol
support to 115.2 kbps (register-set-
compatible and functionally identical to
— Twelve-byte FIFOs for each transmitter
and receiver with programmable
threshold for receive FIFO interrupt
— Improved interrupt schemes: Good
Data interrupts eliminate the need for
character status check
— User-programmable and automatic flow
control for serial channels
— Special character recognition and
— Special character processing,
particularly useful for UNIX
environments, optionally handled
automatically by the serial channels.
— Six modem control signals per channel
(DTR, DSR, RTS, CTS, CD, and RI)
As of May 2001, this document replaces the Basis
Communications Corp. document.
CL-CD1284 — IEEE 1284-Compatible Parallel Interface Controller
May 2001