U® L LSI Computer Systems, Inc. 1235 Walt Whitman Road, Melville, NY 11747 (631) 271-0400 FAX (631) 271-0405
January 1997
• 10 I/Os to Select/Indicate up to ten Power Levels
• Inputs activated by Touch or Pushbutton Switch
• Output switches pure and precise AC Power to Load
• Operates with 50Hz/60Hz line frequency
• Rugged, latchup-free process technology
• +10V to +14V operation (Vss-VDD)
PL2 1
PL3 2
PL4 3
PL5 4
18 PL1
16 Vss (+V)
• LS7310 thru LS7313 (DIP);
PL6 5
14 CAP
LS7310-S thru LS7313-S (SOIC) - See Figure 1
PL7 6
13 RUN
Universal and shaded-pole motor speed control for modern
appliance designs. Eliminates awkward mechanical switch
assemblies and multi-tapped motor windings.
PL8 7
PL9 8
PL10 9
12 P U L S E
11 OFF
10 V DD (-V)
PULSE (Pin 12)
The LS7310-LS7313 are MOS integrated circuits specifically
designed for motor speed control applications in appliances
A logic 0 applied to this input turns the TRIG output on for
as long as the PULSE input is maintained. The PULSE input
such as blenders, etc. I/Os (PLs) are provided for selecting/ however, has no effect if no power level is in selection or if
indicating from one to ten power levels. The LS7310 and 7311
are designed for pushbutton control. The LS7312 and LS7313
the TRIG output has already been turned on by means of
the RUN input. (See Note 1)
are designed for touch control. (See Fig.4A and 4B)
SYNC (Pin 15)
Input for PLL reference frequency (50Hz/60Hz). All internal
PL1-PL10 (Pins 1-9, 18)
clock frequencies are synchronized with the SYNC input.
Ten inputs/outputs for selecting ten output phase angles (pow-
er levels). When no power level is selected (such as after sys- CAP (Pin 14)
tem power-up), PL1-PL10 all act as inputs. When a power level Input for component connection for the PLL filter capacitor.
is selected by applying a logic zero at one of these inputs for
TH time (See Dynamic Characteristics), the selected input TRIG (Pin 17)
switches status to become an output in order to drive a display, This output is designed to drive a triac in series with the
such as an LED. It switches back to the input state only when load and control its firing angle with respect to the AC line.
another PL input is activated. (See Note 1)
The LS7310 and LS7312 provide a nominal 33µs output
pulse width. Since some motors have large inductive loads
RUN (Pin 13)
producing a large phase delay between voltage and current,
When a logic 0 is applied to the RUN input for TH time, the out- a wider output pulse may be required. The LS7311 and
put (TRIG) is turned on at a phase angle selected earlier by LS7313 produce a 1ms output pulse width. Otherwise,
one of the PL I/Os. If no power level was selected prior to the these parts are identical to the LS7310 and LS7312,
application of the RUN input, the circuit remains unaffected. respectively.
Note that once the TRIG output has been enabled, its phase
angle can be altered by applying any other PL input without the
need to apply the RUN input again. (See Note 1)
Vss (Pin 16)
Supply voltage positive terminal.
OFF (Pin 11)
VDD (Pin 10)
When a logic 0 is applied to this input for TH time, TRIG output Supply voltage negative terminal (ground).
is turned off, if it was on. If TRIG was already off, the circuit re-
mains unaffected. Note that OFF input does not alter the power NOTE 1: LS7310, LS7311 have an internal pullup resistor on this
level selected by a PL input. Following an OFF operation, input and LS7312, LS7313 do not. (See DC Electrical Character-
TRIG can be turned on at the previous phase angle by applying istics.)
the RUN input. (See Note 1)