VDD and VSS. Power is supplied to the MCU via
these two pins. VDD is the power connection and
VSS is the ground connection.
OSCin and OSCout. These pins are internally
connected to the on-chip oscillator circuit. A quartz
crystal, a ceramic resonator or an external clock
signal can be connected between these two pins.
The OSCin pin is the input pin, the OSCout pin is
the output pin.
RESET. The active-low RESET pin is used to re-
start the microcontroller.
TEST/VPP. The TEST must be held at VSS for nor-
mal operation. If TEST pin is connected to a
+12.5V level during the reset phase, the
EPROM/OTP programming Mode is entered.
NMI. The NMI pin provides the capability for asyn-
chronous interruption, by applying an external non
maskable interrupt to the MCU. The NMI input is
falling edge sensitive with Schmitt trigger charac-
teristics. The user can select as option the availa-
bility of an on-chip pull-up at this pin.
PA4-PA7. These 4 lines are organised as one I/O
port (A). Each line may be configured under soft-
ware control as inputs with or without internal pull-
up resistors, interrupt generating inputs with pull-
up resistors, open-drain or push-pull outputs.
PA5/SCL, PA6/Sin and PA7/Sout can be used re-
spectively as data clock, data in and clock pins for
the on-chip SPI, while PA4/TIMER can be used as
Timer I/O. In addition, PA4-PA7 can sink 20mA for
direct LED or TRIAC drive.
PB0...PB3. These 4 lines are organised as one I/O
port (B). Each line may be configured under soft-
ware control as inputs with or without internal pull-
up resistors, interrupt generating inputs with pull-
up resistors, open-drain or push-pull outputs, an-
alog inputs for the A/D converter. PB0 (resp. PB1)
can also be used as reception (resp. transmission)
line for the embedded UART.
PC4-PC7. These 4 lines are organised as one I/O
port (C). Each line may be configured under soft-
ware control as input with or without internal pull-
up resistor, interrupt generating input with pull-up
resistor, open-drain or push-pull output, or analog
imputs for the A/D Converter.
COM1-COM8. These eight pins are the LCD pe-
ripheral common outputs. They are the outputs of
the on-chip backplane voltage generator which is
used for multiplexing the LCD lines.
COM9/S1-COM16/S8. These pins are the 8 multi-
plexed common/segment lines. Under software
selected control, they can act as LCD common
outputs allowing a 40 x 16 dot matrix operation, or
they can act as segment outputs alowwing 48 x 8
dot matrix operation.
S9-S24, S33..S56. These pins are the 40 LCD pe-
ripheral segment outputs.
VLCD1/5, VLCD5/5. Display supply voltage inputs
for determining the display voltage levels on
common and segment pins during multiplex oper-