n Number of LCD drive outputs: 160
n Supply voltage for LCD drive: +15.0 to +30.0 V
n Supply voltage for the logic system: +2.5 to +5.5 V
n Low power consumption
n Low output impedance
(Segment mode)
n Shift clock frequency
- 20 MHz (MAX.): VDD = +5.0 ± 0.5 V
- 15 MHz (MAX.): VDD = +3.0 to + 4.5 V
- 12 MHz (MAX.): VDD = +2.5 to + 3.0 V
n 4-bit/8-bit parallel input modes are
selectable with a mode (MD) pin
n Automatic transfer function of an enable
n Automatic counting function which, in the
chip selection mode, causes the internal
clock to be stopped by automatically
counting 160 bits of input data
n Line latch circuits are reset when /DISPOFF
(Common mode)
n Shift clock frequency: 4 MHz (MAX.)
n Built-in 160-bit bi-directional shift register
(divisible into 80 bits x 2)
n Available in a single mode (160-bit shift
register) or in a dual mode (80-bit shift
register x 2)
- Y1->Y160 Single mode
- Y160->Y1 Single mode
- Y1->Y80, Y81->Y160 Dual mode
- Y160->Y81, Y80->Y1 Dual mode
The above 4 shift directions are
n Shift register circuits are reset when
/DISPOFF active
The ST8016T is a 160-output segment/common driver IC suitable for driving large/medium scale dot
matrix LCD panels, and is used in personal computers/work stations. The ST8016T is good both as a
segment driver and a common driver, and it can create a low power consuming, high-resolution LCD.
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