(1) λV = λbπTπCπVπSRπQπE x 1000
19. Reliability Prediction
(2) λb = 0.00005CWR or 0.0004CSR
Solid tantalum capacitors exhibit no degradation
failure mode during shelf storage and show a
constantly decreasing failure rate (i.e., absence
of any wear out mechanism) during life tests.
This failure rate is dependent upon three impor-
tant application conditions; DC Voltage, ambient
temperature, and circuit impedance. Additional
effects are attributable to the capacitance of the
device and atmospheric and mechanical expo-
sure of the assembled circuit. The 1000 multiplier
at the end converts the failure rate to parts-per-
billion piece-hours. A prediction of the failure rate
can be made using these application conditions
and the formulas and tables listed in MIL-HDBK-
217F (Notice 2).
[ ( )] (3)
πT = exp
8.617 • 10-5
(4) S = Application-Voltage
( ) πV =
(5) πC = 1.0 • C.023
(6) πSR = Lookup Table
πE = Lookup Table
( ) Pcs. Fail
(7) πQ = Pcs. Tested x Hrs. Tested x 100,000
FIGURE 11a. MIL-HDBK-217F Notice 2 formulas.
Base Multiplier: The first multiplier is the base
multiplier (2) established for the capacitor type.
For “CWR-Chips” or surface mount components
the base multiplier is 0.00005, and for “CSR-
Leaded” devices, the base multiplier is 0.00040.
Temperature: The temperature factor is given as
(3). From this formula, it can be seen that the unity
factor, or 1, is derived at an ambient temperature
FIGURE 11b. Table for circuit resistance multipiers.
of +25ЊC (+298ЊK), and that at temperatures
below this the multiplier is decreasing and at tem-
peratures above this the multiplier is increasing.
Quality Factor: All of these multipliers are
Voltage: The multiplier for application voltage (4)
applied to the established or base failure rate of
is a two step process: first, the application volt-
the part. The T492 Series is qualified under U.S.
age is compared to 60% of rated voltage, and
military specification MIL-PRF-55365. Failure
then this ratio is raised to an exponential power
rates as low as 0.001% kHr are available under
of 17 and added to unity. Consider applications
this test program.
of 50%, 60%, 70%, 80% and 90% of rated volt-
age. The multipliers for these applications would
be 1.045, 2.00, 14.7, 134, and 986, respectively.
From these results it is evident why manufactur-
ers recommend application voltages not to
exceed 50% rated voltages.
For series not covered by military specifications,
an internal sampling program is operated by
KEMET Quality Assurance whereby parts are put
on life test at rated voltage for 2000 hours. The
confidence level chosen for the reporting data is
60%. (The cost of sampling each batch would be
Capacitance: There is a factor (5) applied to the
prohibitive, and no claim is made to guarantee
capacitance (in µF) which effectively increases
the failure rate of each batch.) With this testing
the failure rate for increasing capacitance
and each new qualification test for new parts, the
(increases in effective area resulting in increases
average failure rate for all commercial Series lies
in possible faults).
between 0.1% and 1.0% per thousand-
Series Resistance: The series resistance is only
concerned with the resistance per application
FIT Calculator
bias (ohms per volt) external to the capacitor,
and does not include the ESR as a factor.
All of these factors are gathered into a Windows
based software, available free from the KEMET
Environmental: The environmental factor is
web site ( The “FIT Calculator”
determined by the harshness of the ambient
software does all the calculations and look-ups
conditions beyond temperature. An explanation
based on information entered or selected by the
of these ratings is included in the MIL specifica-
operator. A manual may also be downloaded
tion and are too extensive to be covered here. In
from the same web page to explain the controls
most cases, this factor is set to ground benign or
and displays The manual as well as a help
GB, with the resulting factor equal to “1”.
screen also detail the environmental conditions.
©KEMET Electronics Corporation, P.O. Box 5928, Greenville, S.C. 29606, (864) 963-6300