Document Change Notification
The purpose of this notification is to inform customers about the launch of the Pb-free version of the
device. The introduction of a Pb-free replacement affects the datasheet. Please understand that this
notification is intended as a temporary substitute for a revision of the datasheet.
Changes to the datasheet may include the following, though not all of them may apply to this
particular device.
1. Part number
Example: TMPxxxxxxF → TMPxxxxxxFG
All references to the previous part number were left unchanged in body text. The new
part number is indicated on the prelims pages (cover page and this notification).
2. Package code and package dimensions
Example: LQFP100-P-1414-0.50C → LQFP100-P-1414-0.50F
All references to the previous package code and package dimensions were left unchanged
in body text. The new ones are indicated on the prelims pages.
3. Addition of notes on lead solderability
Now that the device is Pb-free, notes on lead solderability have been added.
The previous (obsolete) provision might be left unchanged on page 1 of body text. A new
replacement is included on the next page.
5. Publication date of the datasheet
The publication date at the lower right corner of the prelims pages applies to the new