XE1486 S-Registers
S0 Answer on nth Ring: S0 sets the modem to an-
swer on the nth ring. Setting S0 to 0 disables au-
tomatic answer.
Range: 0 to 255
Units Rings
Default 0
S7 Wait for Carrier after Dialing: S7 sets the
time the modem waits for a valid carrier after di-
Range: 1 to 255
Units Seconds
Default 50
S1 Ring Count: S1 is a read-only register. It
S8 Comma Pause Time: S8 defines the length of
shows the number of rings detected. If a ring is
the pause caused by a comma in the dial string.
not detected within 8 seconds, the counter is re-
set to zero.
Range: 1 to 255
Range: 0 to 255
Units Seconds
Units Rings
Default 50
Default 0
S9 Carrier Detect Response Time: S9 establishes
S2 Escape Character: S2 determines the ASCII
the length of time the remote modem's carrier
character used in the escape sequence. Values of
must be present to be recognized as valid.
0-127 select valid ASCII escape characters; val-
Range: 1 to 255
ues from 128 to 255 disable the escape sequence.
Units 0.1 Seconds
Range: 0 to 255
Default 6
Units ASCII Character
Default 43 (+)
S10 Carrier Off Disconnect Delay: S10 selects
how long carrier must be lost before the modem
S3 Carriage Return Character: S3 determines
disconnect. Note: If S10 is smaller than S9, the
the character used as a carriage return to termi-
modem will not disconnect on loss of carrier.
nate commands and inserted in modem re-
Range: 1 to 255
Units 0.1 Seconds
Range: 0 to 127
Default 14
Units ASCII Character
Default 13 (Carriage Return)
S11 Tone Dialing Speed: S10 sets the duration and
spacing of the dialing tones. S11 does not af-
S4 Line Feed Character: S4 sets the character to
fect the pulse dialing rate.
act as a line feed in modem responses.
Range: 50 to 255
Range: 0 to 127
Units 1 Millisecond
Units ASCII Character
Default 95
Default 10 (Line Feed)
S12 Escape Code Guard Timer: S12 sets the es-
S5 Back Space Character: S5 sets the character
cape sequence guard timer. If characters are re-
used as a backspace to edit the command line.
ceived before or after the escape sequence,
Range: 0 to 32
within the guard timer, the modem aborts the es-
Units ASCII Character
cape attempt and remains in data mode.
Default 8 (Back Space)
Range: 0 to 255
Units 0.02 Seconds
S6 Dial Tone Wait Time: S6 determines how long
Default 50
the modem waits for dial tone before dialing.
The minimum wait Time is two seconds.
Range: 2 to 255
Units Seconds
Default 2