The W528xxx family are programmable speech synthesis ICs that utilize the ADPCM coding method to
generate all types of voice effects.
The W528xxx's LOAD and JUMP commands and four programmable registers provide powerful user-
programmable functions that make this chip suitable for an extremely wide range of speech IC
The W528xxx family includes 12 kinds of bodies which are the same except for the voice duration
shown below:
BODY W528S03 W528S05 W528S08A W528S10 W528S12
Second 3 Sec
5 Sec
8 Sec
10 Sec 12 Sec
BODY W528S20 W528S25 W528S30 W528S40 W528S50
Second 20 Sec 25 Sec
30 Sec
40 Sec 50 Sec
Note: The voice durations are estimated by 6.4KHz sampling rate.
15 Sec
60 Sec
• Programmable speech synthesizer
• Wide operating voltage range: 2.4 to 5.5 volts
• 4-bit ADPCM synthesis method
• Provides 4 direct trigger inputs that can easily be extended to 8 or 12 matrix trigger inputs
• Two trigger input debounce times (20 to 40 mS or 160 to 320 µS) can be set
• Provides up to 2 LEDs and 3 STOP outputs
• Every LED pin can drive 3 LEDs simultaneously
• LED flash frequency: 3 Hz
• AUD output current: 5 mA
• Flexible functions programmable through the following:
− LD (load), JP (jump) commands
− Four registers: R0, EN, STOP, and MODE
− Conditional instructions
− Speech equation
− END instruction
− Global repeat (GR) setting
− Output frequency and LED flash type setting
• Programmable power-on initialization (POI) (can be interrupted by trigger inputs)
Publication Release Date: Nov 2000
Revision A1