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AD9501SQ View Datasheet(PDF) - Analog Devices

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AD9501SQ Datasheet PDF : 12 Pages
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Single +5 V Supply
TTL and CMOS Compatible
10 ps Delay Resolution
2.5 ns to 10 s Full-Scale Range
Maximum Trigger Rate 50 MHz
MIL-STD-883-Compliant Versions Available
Disk Drive Deskewing
Data Communications
Test Equipment
Radar I & Q Matching
Digitally Programmable
Delay Generator
The AD9501 is a digitally programmable delay generator which
provides programmed time delays of an input pulse. Operating
from a single +5 V supply, the AD9501 is TTL- or CMOS-
compatible, and is capable of providing accurate timing adjust-
ments with resolutions as low as 10 ps. Its accuracy and
programmability make it ideal for use in data deskewing and
pulse delay applications, as well as clock timing adjustments.
Full-scale delay range is set by the combination of an external
resistor and capacitor, and can range from 2.5 ns to 10 µs for a
single AD9501. An eight-bit digital word selects a time delay
within the full-scale range. When triggered by the rising edge of
an input pulse, the output of the AD9501 will be delayed by an
amount equal to the selected time delay (tD) plus an inherent
propagation delay (tPD).
The AD9501 is available for a commercial temperature range of
0°C to +70°C in a 20-pin plastic DIP, 20-pin ceramic DIP, and
a 20-lead plastic leaded chip carrier (PLCC). Devices fully
compliant to MIL-STD-883 are available in ceramic DIPs.
Refer to the Analog Devices Military Products Databook or current
AD9501/883B data sheet for detailed specifications.
Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and
reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its
use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties
which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or
otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices.
One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A.
Tel: 617/329-4700
Fax: 617/326-8703

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