DS87C520/DS83C520 EPROM/ROM High-Speed Microcontrollers
1) In DC Electrical Characteristics table, added separate specification for DS83C520 VPFW.
2) Changed VRST max to from 4.25V to 4.275V for DS83C520 value.
3) Added Pb-free/RoHS-compliant part numbers to Ordering Information table.
4) Deleted the “A” from the IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020 specification in the Absolute Maximum Ratings.
5) Removed “Preliminary” status.
6) Soldering temperature parameter now references JEDEC specification.
7) Added note to absolute maximums clarifying voltages referenced to ground.
8) Updated ICC, IIDLE, ISTOP, ISPBG, IIL, and ITL to incorporate errata conditions.
9) Added note clarifying DC electrical test conditions.
10) Added note clarifying VOH3 specification applies to first clock cycle following the transition.
11) Updated AC and MOVX electrical characteristics with final characterization values.
12) Added tAVLL2 specification and corrected MOVX timing diagrams to show tAVLL2 instead of tAVLL.
1) Corrected P0 pinout description for TQFP package.
2) Clarified point at which reset delay begins.
1) Update PMM operating current estimates
2) Added note to clarify IIL specification.
3) Added note to prevent accidental corruption of Watchdog Timer count while changing counter length.
4) Changed minimum oscillator frequency to 1MHz when using external crystal.
5) Changed RST pulldown resistance from 170kΩ to 200kΩ maximum.
6) Corrected “Data memory write with stretch” diagrams to show falling edge of ALE coincident with
rising edge of C3 clock.
1) Update ALE pin description.
2) Add note pertaining to erasure window.
3) Add note pertaining to internal MOVX SRAM.
4) Change Note 10 from RST = 5.5V to RST = VCC.
5) Change serial port mode 0 timing diagram label from tQVXL to tQVXH.
Preliminary release.
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