Dimensions AP(R)-B10 (unit : mm, 1mm = 0.0394 inch)
Mechanical characteristics
• General tolerance
±1 mm
• Primary aperture
∅ 18.5 mm
• Panel mounting
2 holes ∅ 4.0 mm
• Distance between holes
40.0 mm
For panel mounting, replace M4 screws by new one (not supplied) with appropriate length to panel´s thickness.
• Wires up to 2 mm ∅
0-5, 10V Selec table
A P /A P R
+2 4 V D C
O u tp u t
C o n n e c to r
3 (-) 2 (out)1 (+)
O u tp u t S w itc h
R a n g e S w itc h
F ront
LEM reserves the right to carry out modifications on its transducers, in order to improve them, without previous notice.