The ACE100 Evaluation Kit includes the following
1) Evaluation Board
2) DB-9 Serial Cable
3) 4 Pin DIN Analog Input Cable
4) 3 1/2" Floppy Disk With BASIC Program
5) ADC Data Sheet
6) ACE100 Data Sheet
ADC150 Application Note:
The ACE100PT software enables the user to
easily check out the different modes that the
ADC150 can be operated in.
When an autozero is performed, the ADC150
microprocessor is reset. After startup, the
ADC150 is configured with the default mode
settings (ie. 22 Bits, 60 Hz., etc.) If a different
mode is required, it must be set after the
autozero has been performed.
1) Connect the DB9 serial cable to the computer
and the ACE100 board.
2) Connect the 4 Pin DIN Analog input cable to
ACE100 board.
3) Connect the power supply inputs to the
ACE100 board.
4) Turn on the power supply and let the ACE100
warmup for 5 minutes.
5) There are 2 files on the floppy disk,
ACE100PT.BAS and QBASIC. If the computer
has a hard disk, the files can be copied and
executed from the hard disk.
6) To start the software, type QB ACE100PT to
load the BASIC software.
7) Hit the F5 key to start the program. The
ACE100 main menu will appear.
8) Enter the selection for the converter type then
follow the subsequent menus.
9) The scale factor for the ADC’s is set in the
Basic program. The adjustment can be found
in the SCALEADJ subroutine for the
ADC100/150 converters. The ADC180
converter is in the SCALEADJ180 subroutine.
ACE100 DS JUN. 99 REV. D