Pin Functions
EN/UVLO (Pin 1): Enable/Undervoltage Lockout. The
EN/UVLO pin is used to enable the LT8300. Pull the pin
below 0.3V to shut down the LT8300. This pin has an ac-
curate 1.223V threshold and can be used to program a VIN
undervoltage lockout (UVLO) threshold using a resistor
divider from VIN to ground. A 2.5µA current hysteresis
allows the programming of VIN UVLO hysteresis. If neither
function is used, tie this pin directly to VIN.
GND (Pin 2): Ground. Tie this pin directly to local ground
RFB (Pin 3): Input Pin for External Feedback Resistor.
Connect a resistor from this pin to the transformer pri-
mary SW pin. The ratio of the RFB resistor to the internal
trimmed 12.23k resistor, times the internal bandgap
reference, determines the output voltage (plus the effect
of any non-unity transformer turns ratio). Minimize trace
area at this pin.
SW (Pin 4): Drain of the 150V Internal DMOS Power
Switch. Minimize trace area at this pin to reduce EMI and
voltage spikes.
VIN (Pin 5): Input Supply. The VIN pin supplies current
to internal circuitry and serves as a reference voltage for
the feedback circuitry connected to the RFB pin. Locally
bypass this pin to ground with a capacitor.