Communication ICs
FM IF detector for cordless phones
The BA4116FV is an IC with mixing circuit, IF circuit, FM detector circuit, RSSI circuit, and noise detector circuit. As it
can operate at low voltages, it is ideal for use in cordless phones.
Cordless phones, amateur short wave radios, and other portable wireless equipment
1) Input frequencies of 10MHz to 150MHz can be ac-
2) Low-voltage operation. (1.8 to 5.5V)
3) Excellent temperature characteristic.
4) High sensitivity; 12dB SINAD sensitivity = 8dBµVEMF
(50 Ω)
5) High intercept point. (–11dBm)
6) Small package used. (0.65mm pitch)
FAbsolute maximum ratings (Ta = 25_C)
FRecommended operating conditions (Ta = 25_C)