Advanced Information
1.0 General
Related Documentation
• 040-0102 Eterna Integration Guide
• 040-0109 Design Specific Configuration Guide
• 040-0110 Eterna Serial Programmer Guide
Signal Naming
The naming convention for Eterna signals is UPPER_CASE_SEPARATED_BY_UNDERSCORE. Active-low signals, such
as RESETn, add a trailing lower case n. An exception to the naming convention is UART transmit and receive signals which
are named consistent with industry practice as RX and TX, omitting the lower case n, despite being active low signals. The
terms assertion and active refers to a signal in a logically true state: logic ‘1’ for active high signals and logic ‘0’ for active
low signals. The terms negated and inactive refer to a signal being in its logically false state: logic ‘0’ for active high signals
and logic ‘1’ for active low signals.
Number Format
The 0x prefix indicates a hexadecimal number follows.
The 0b prefix indicates a binary number follows.
The lack of a prefix indicates a decimal number follows.
Linear Technology / Dust Networks
Eterna Datasheet