5-Channel Gauge Driver with Serial Link
Serial Link
10 Bit Angle
MLX10407 Serial link Protocol
The 10407 outputs an error status on pin ERRB on the falling edge of SCLK immediately
following the transmission of the quadrant lsb.
The pin 16 (ERRB) of the 10407 is driven low if there is no continuity between two consecutive
quadrant values sent (for logo1 or logo2). The data is valid till CS is high, then when CS goes low
ERRB returns to high impedance state and the error status is lost.
If the MCU has detected an error, it is possible to send data again : the first data bit set to "1" will
initiate a new transmission of 15 data bits.
On the HIGH to LOW transition of CS the angle and quadrant values are stored into the internal
registers of the 10407 if the following conditions are met:
• The MCU sent the appropriate writing request
• No quadrant error was detected by the 10407.
Otherwise new angle and quadrant values are discarded by the 10407 and the previous values
are kept. The MCU will have to initialize a new transmission to the 10407.
If VER (pin 17) is connected to VDD then the 10407 does not store values of angles and
quadrant in case of an error. It is however possible to make the 10407 store all angles and
quadrant values even if there is an error, by connecting VER (pin 17) to GND.
MLLXX910024x0x7Na5m-Cehoaf nSneenlsGorauge Driver with Serial LinkRePvaYg.Xe 7
22/Aug/98 Rev 1.1 2P8a/Agper7/01