Philips Semiconductors
FM radio circuit
Product specification
Fig.3 A.F output voltage (Vo) and total harmonic distortion (THD) as a function of the e.m.f. input voltage (EMF)
with a source impedance (RS) of 75 Ω: (1) muting system enabled; (2) muting system disabled.
0 dB = 75 mV; frf = 96 MHz.
for S + N curve: ∆f = ± 22,5 kHz; fm = 1 kHz.
for THD curve; ∆f = ± 75 kHz; fm = 1 kHz.
1. The muting system can be disabled by feeding a current of about 20 µA into pin 1.
2. The interstation noise level can be decreased by choosing a low-value capacitor at pin 3. Silent tuning can be
achieved by omitting this capacitor.
May 1992