The converter is of the voltage switching type and uses
an R-2R resistor ladder network as shown in Fig.3.
Each 2R element is connected either to 0V or VREF by
transistor switches specially designed for low offset voltage
(typically 1mV).
Binary weighted voltages are produced at the output of
the R-2R ladder, the value depending on the digital number
applied to the bit inputs.
Fig.3 The R-2R ladder network
8-bit D-A Converter
The ZN426 gives an analog voltage output directly from
pin 4 therefore the usual current to voltage converting
amplifier is not required. The output voltage drift, due to the
temperature coefficient of the analog output resistance RO,
will be less than 0.004% per °C (or 1LSB/100°C) if RL is
chosen to be ≥ 650kΩ.
In order to remove the offset voltage and to calibrate the
converter a buffer amplifier is necessary. Fig.4 shows a
typical scheme using the internal reference voltage. To
minimise temperature drift in this and similar applications the
source resistance to the inverting input of the operational
amplifier should be approximately 6kΩ. The calibration
procedure is as follows:
i. Set all bits to OFF (low) and adjust R2 until
VOUT = 0.000V.
ii. Set all bits to ON (high) and adjust R1 until
VOUT = Normal full-scale reading - 1LSB
iii. Repeat i. and ii.
e.g. Set F.S.R. to + 3.840V - 1LSB
Fig.4 8-bit D-A converter