Write Control (WC). The Write Control feature
WC is useful to protect the contents of the whole
EEPROM area from any erroneous erase/write cy-
cle. It also protects the OTP page against the first
write attempt. The Write Control signal polarity can
be selected with the WCpol bit of the Control Reg-
ister (see Table 13). When pin WC is unconnect-
ed, the WC input is internally read as VIL (see
Table 5).
When WC and WCpol are activating the Write Pro-
tection, Device Select and Address bytes are ac-
knowledged; Data bytes are not acknowledged
(see Figure 11).
Write Control (WCR). In order to prevent spurious
writes to the Control Register, the user can also
make the Control Register Read Only (Write is in-
hibited). This is achieved by use of the WCR pin
and the CRWD bit (see Table 14) :
– - if CRWD bit = 0, the Control register can be
modified regardless of the state of the WCR pin.
– - if CRWD bit = 1, the Control register can be
modified if the WCR pin is high.
– - if CRWD bit = 1 and the WCR pin is low, the
Control Register is Write Protected.
I2C Bus Background
The memory supports the extended addressing
I2C protocol. This protocol defines any device that
sends data onto the bus as a transmitter and any
device that reads the data as a receiver. The de-
vice that controls the data transfer is known as the
master and the other as the slave. The master will
always initiate a data transfer and will provide the
serial clock for synchronisation. The memory is al-
ways a slave device in all communications.
Table 5. Input Parameters (1)
(TA = 25°C, f = 400 kHz)
Start Condition. START is identified by a high to
low transition of the SDA line while the clock SCL
is stable in the high state. A START condition must
precede any command for data transfer. Except
during a programming cycle, the memory continu-
ously monitors the SDA and SCL signals for a
START condition and will not respond unless one
is given.
Stop Condition. STOP is identified by a low to
high transition of the SDA line while the clock SCL
is stable in the high state. A STOP condition termi-
nates communication between the memory and
the bus master. A STOP condition at the end of a
Read command forces the stand-by state. A
STOP condition at the end of a Write command
triggers the internal EEPROM write cycle.
Acknowledge Bit (ACK). An acknowledge signal
is used to indicate a successful data transfer. The
bus transmitter, either master or slave, will release
the SDA bus after sending 8 bits of data. During
the 9th clock pulse the receiver pulls the SDA bus
low to acknowledge the receipt of the 8 bits of da-
Data Input. During data input the memory sam-
ples the SDA bus signal on the rising edge of the
clock SCL. For correct device operation the SDA
signal must be stable during the clock low to high
transition and the data must change ONLY when
the SCL line is low.
Device Selection. To start communication be-
tween the bus master and the slave memory, the
master must initiate a START condition. The 8 bits
sent after a START condition are made up of a De-
vice Select Byte of 4 bits that identifies the device
type, 3 memory block access bits and one bit for a
READ (RW = 1) or WRITE (RW = 0) operation.
There are two modes both for read and write.
These are summarised in Table 4 and described
hereafter. Communication between the master
and the slave is ended with a STOP condition.
Test Condition Min. Max. Unit
Input Capacitance (SDA)
Input Capacitance (other pins)
WC, WCR Input Impedance
VIN ≤ 0.3 VCC
20 kΩ
WC, WCR Input Impedance
VIN ≥ 0.7 VCC
Low-pass filter input time constant (SDA and SCL)
100 ns
Note: 1. Sampled only, not 100% tested in production.