Figure 1. AD848 Inverting Amplifier Configuration
Figure 2. AD849 Inverting Amplifier Configuration
Figure 1a. AD848 Large Signal Pulse Response
Figure 2a. AD849 Large Signal Pulse Response
Figure 1b. AD848 Small Signal Pulse Response
The input voltage of the AD848 and AD849 are very low for
high speed op amps, but if additional nulling is required, the
circuit shown in Figure 3 can be used.
For high performance circuits it is recommended that a resistor
(RB in Figures 1 and 2) be used to reduce bias current errors by
matching the impedance at each input. The offset voltage error
caused by the input currents is decreased by more than an order
of magnitude.
Figure 2b. AD849 Small Signal Pulse Response
Figure 3. Offset Nulling