Application information
Remote on/off control
Whichever configuration is used, since a voltage on the EN pin 45 mV below VEN_On
disables the gate drivers, any small-signal transistor can be used to pull down the EN pin
and force the gate drivers into an off state.
Finally, it should be noted that during power-up, power-down, and under overload or short-
circuit conditions, the gate drivers are shut down if the Vcc voltage is insufficient: < VCCOff in
case of pull-up resistor configuration, < 0.975 ÞVCC_G in case of resistor divider
configuration (the coefficient 0.975 depends on the hysteresis on the Enable pin threshold).
Drain voltage sensing
In the following explanations it is assumed that the reader is familiar with the LLC resonant
half bridge topology and its waveforms, especially those on the secondary side with a
center-tap transformer winding for full-wave rectification.
To understand the polarity and the level of the current flowing in the SR MOSFETs (or their
body diodes, or diodes in parallel to the MOSFETs) the IC is provided with two pins, DVS1-
2, able to sense the voltage level of the MOSFET drains.
Figure 7. Typical waveform seen on the drain voltage sensing pins
The logic that controls the driving of the two SR MOSFETs is based on two gate-driver state
machines working in parallel in an interlocked way to avoid both gate drivers being switched
on at the same time.
There are four significant drain voltage thresholds: the first one, VDVS1,2_A (= 1.4 V),
sensitive to positive-going edges, arms the opposite gate driver (interlock function); the
second, VDVS1,2_PT (=0.7 V), sensitive to negative-going edges, provides a pre-trigger of the
gate driver; the third is the (negative) threshold VTH-ON that triggers the gate driver as the
body diode of the SR MOSFET starts conducting; the fourth is the internal (negative)
threshold VDVS1,2_Off where the SR MOSFET is switched off (selectable between -12 mV or
-25 mV by properly biasing the EN pin).
The value of the ON threshold VTH-ON is affected by the external resistor in series to each
DVS1-2 pin needed essentially to limit the current that might be injected into the pins when
one SR MOSFET is off and the other SR MOSFET is conducting. In fact, on the one hand,
when one MOSFET is off (and the other one is conducting), its drain-to-source voltage is
Doc ID 17811 Rev 2