2 Mechanical and Electrical Specifications
Self Test allows to test the mechanical and electric part of the sensor, allowing the seismic
mass to be moved by means of an electrostatic test-force. The Self Test function is off when the
ST pin is connected to GND. When the ST pin is tied at Vdd an actuation force is applied to the
sensor, simulating a definite input acceleration. In this case the sensor outputs will exhibit a
voltage change in their DC levels which is related to the selected full scale and depending on
the Supply Voltage through the device sensitivity. When ST is activated, the device output level
is given by the algebraic sum of the signals produced by the acceleration acting on the sensor
and by the electrostatic test-force. If the output signals change within the amplitude specified
inside Table 2, than the sensor is working properly and the parameters of the interface chip are
within the defined specification
Output impedance describes the resistor inside the output stage of each channel. This
resistor is part of a filter consisting of an external capacitor of at least 320pF and the internal
resistor. Due to the high resistor level only small, inexpensive external capacitors are needed to
generate low corner frequencies. When interfacing with an ADC it is important to use high input
impedance input circuitries to avoid measurement errors. Note that the minimum load
capacitance forms a corner frequency beyond the resonance frequency of the sensor. For a flat
frequency response a corner frequency well below the resonance frequency is recommended.
In general the smallest possible bandwidth for an particular application should be chosen to get
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