RM5231A™ Microprocessor with 32-Bit System Bus Data Sheet
Revision History
No. Issue Date
Details of Change
September 2001 Added 1.8 V to the feature: 1.65 V or 1.8 V core with 3.3 V or 2.5 V I/O (p9).
Changed recommended operating conditions VccInt to 1.57 V to 1.85 V and
VccP to 1.57 V to 1.85 V. Added VssP commercial and industrial values.
Modified Note 4.
Added reference to VccInt to Power Consumption table. Changed standby
modes to 350. Modified Note 1.
Modified SysClock Frequency and SysClock Period values in the Clock
Parameters table.
March 2001
Applied PMC-Sierra template to existing MPD (QED) FrameMaker document.
Revised the Absolute Maximum Ratings table to include industrial operating
temperatures. Revised the Recommended Operating conditions table (VccIO).
Revised the DC Electrical Characteristics section. Included 350 MHz Power
CPU Speed Power Consumption and Clock Parameter values. Revised the
System Interface Parameters table.
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc and for its Customer’s Internal Use
Document ID: PMC-2002174, Issue 2