This section defines the meaning of terms used
elsewhere in this data sheet.
Arithmetic Shift
For a right shift, the most significant bit is always
copied into the most significant end of the result.
For example shifting right by 2:
For a left shift, the least significant bit will become
Note that left shifting can cause overflows and
these are not detected in the MAC output scalar or
the data normaliser.
All rounding done within the IMS A110 is equivalent
to truncating after adding 1/2 LSB. (Rounding is
always applied in the positive direction). For exam-
ple for 8 bit twos complement numbers undergoing
a two bit right shift:
00000011 → 00000000 + 1 = 00000001 (rounded up)
00000010 → 00000000 + 1 = 00000001 (rounded up)
11111110 → 11111111 + 1 = 00000000 (rounded up)
00000001 → 00000000
(no rounding)
11111101 → 11111111
(no rounding)
Left shifts do not generate rounding.
Transversal Filter
A transversal filter is a calculation consisting of the
sum of products of successive points of input data.
For input data xi, xi+1, ..., and a set of coefficients,
c6,c5, ..., the result, Y is:
∑ Y= ci × x6−i
Two’s Complement
Two’s complement numbers allow both positive
and negative numbers. For example in 8 bit num-
bers the most positive number is 127, the most
negative is -128:
two’s complement
Rectification is a method of removing negative
numbers. There are two methods: Full wave and
Half wave. In either case all positive numbers and
zero are unaffected. In Full wave rectification, any
negative numbers are negated (i.e. multiplied by 1)
so that they become positive. In Half wave rectifi-
cation, all negative numbers are replaced by zero.
Dynamic Range Compression
When Dynamic is used in this context, it is to
indicate a change of behaviour for each data point.
For example, a dynamic shift is one where the size
of the shift may change on each successive clock
cycle. Dynamic range compression is range com-
pression making use of an offset and shift, which
can change depending on each data point. This
allows the essential non-linear transformations re-
quired in image processing to be implemented on
the IMS A110.
Bit Fields
Bits, words and addresses in this data sheet are
little-endian; The lowest order byte of a multiple
byte word is referred to as byte 0, and is addressed
in the same way. Similarly, the least significant bit
of any bit field is that with the lowest bit number. For
example, ‘bits 26-22’ refers to a 5 bit field where bit
22 is treated as the least significant, and bit 26 as
the most significant.
Within the IMSA110 the latency is the number of
clock cycles from an input to its corresponding
output. For instance, with the programmable shift
registers bypassed by setting SCR[1] to 1, the
latency from PSRin to PSRout will be 2 as shown
in Figure 6.