XE1276A Applications Schematic
Differences between the XE1276A and XE1276
In creating the XE1276A Xecom strived to make the new
product compatible with both the XE1276 and XE2476.
Unfortunately some features could not be supported in
the new product. We believe the improvements made
will benefit most XE1276 customers.
New Features: The XE1276A features reduced power
consumption and the addition of non-volatile memory for
modem configuration storage.
We reduced XE1276A power consumption in two ways.
First, we reduced operating power by 20% using new
low power components. Second, we added a sleep
mode. The XE1276A automatically enters sleep mode if
there is no activity for 5 seconds. In sleep mode power
consumption is reduced to less than 50 milliWatts.
The addition of non-volatile memory permits the user to
configure the modem once and never configure it again.
It also permits storage of up to four telephone numbers
which can be recalled for dialing.
Unsupported XE1276 Features: The features lost in
the XE1276A redesign were the specialized interface
pins for Auto-answer, Command Mode, and Speed
Indication. The XE1276A does not support High-Speed
Indication on Pin 1, Command Mode Indication on Pin 2,
or Auto Answer Disabled on pin 3. Please contact
Xecom's Application Engineering Department to assist in
working around these lost features.