Note 3. The linearity error is measured without S–correction and based on the same measurement
principle as performed on the screen. The measuring method is as follows:
Divide the output signal I4 – I7 (VRM) into 22 equal parts ranging from 1 to 22 inclusive. Measure
the value of two succeeding parts called one block starting with part 2 and 3 (block 1) and
ending with part 20 and 22 (block 10). Thus part 1 and 22 are unused. The equation for linearity
error for adjacent blocks (LEAB) and not adjacent blocks (NAB) are given below
– a(k + 1)
; NAB =
amax – amin
Note 4. Related to VP.
Niote 5. V values within formulae, relate to voltages at or between relative pin numbers, i.e. V7–4/V1–2
= voltage value across pins 7 and 4 divided by voltage value across pins 1 and 2.
Note 6. V9–4 AC short–circuited.
Note 7. Frequency response V7–4/V9–4 is equal to frequency response V7–4/V1–2.
Note 8. At V(ripple) = 500mV eff; measured across RM; fi = 50Hz.
Functional Description:
The vertical driver circuit is a bridge configuration. The deflection coil is connected between the output
amplifiers, which are driven in phase opposition. An external resistor (RM) connected in series with
the deflection coil provides internal feedback information. The differential input circuit is voltage driv-
en. The input circuit has been adapted to enable it to be used with devices that deliver symmetrical
current signals. An external reisitor (RCON) connected between the differential input determines the
output current through the deflection coil. The relationship between the differential input current and
the output current is defined by: Idiff x RCON = Icoil x RM. The output current is adjustable from 0.5A(p–p)
to 2A(p–p) by varying RM. The maximum input differential voltage is 1.8V. In the application it is recom-
mended that Vdiff = 1.5V (Typ). This is recommended because of the spread of input current and the
spread in the value of RCON.
The flyback voltage is determined by an additional supply voltage VFB. The principle of operating with
two supply voltages (class G) makes it possible to fix the supply voltage VP optimum for the scan volt-
age and the second supply voltage VFB optimum for the flyback voltage. Using this method, very high
efficiency is achieved.
The supply voltage VFB is almost totally available as flyback voltage across the coil, this being pos-
sible due to the absence of a decoupling capacitor (not necessary, due to the bridge configuration).
The output circuit is fully protected against the following:
D Thermal Protection
D Short–Circuit Protection of the Output Pins (Pin4 and Pin7)
D Short–Circuit of the Output pins to VP.
A guard circuit VO(guard) is provided. The guard circuit is activated at tghe following conditions:
D During Flyback
D During Short–Circuit of the Coil and During Short–Circuit of the Output Pins (Pin4 and Pin7) to
D During Open Loop
D When the Thermal Protection is Activated
This signal can be used for blanking the picture tube screen.