Circuit current 1, 2
Measure quiescent current flowing into pins 1 and 10 .
Common output 1
Input FRP2 and measure the output amplitude when voltage at
pin 13 is changed to GND, and 4.5V.
COminT1,COmaxT1 Common center voltage level 1
Input FRP2 and measure the center voltage level of output
waveform when voltage at pin 13 is changed to GND, and 4.5V.
cothH1,cothL1 Common through rate 1
Input FRP2 and measure through rates at rising point and
falling point of the output waveform when voltage at pin 13 is
connect-ed to GND.
MA1 Maximum input level A
Connect pin 22 to 4.5V and measure the non-inverted output
amplitude between pedestal level and white level at pins 17 , 19 ,
and 21 when signal Y (1.5VP-P) is input. Also, measure in the
same way as above when pin 7 is connected to GND and the
mode is changed to EXT.
MOA1 Offset among channels at maximum input level A
Based on the results of maximum input level A, calculate the
difference in amplitude level among channels.
MB1 Maximum input level B
Connect pin 22 to GND and measure the inverted output
amplitude between pedestal level and white level at pins 17 , 19 ,
and 21 when signal Y (1.5VP-P) is input. Also, measure in the
same way as above when pin 7 is connected to GND and the
mode is changed to EXT.
MOB1 Offset among channels at maximum input level B
Based on the results of the maximum input level B, calculate
the difference in amplitude level among channels.
Maximum input level difference
Calculate difference in output amplitude between maximum
input level A and level B of each channel.
Pedestal voltage level 1
In inputting signal Y, measure output voltage at pins 17 , 19 ,
and 21 when pin 22 is 4.5V and pin 24 is grounded. Also,
measure in the same way as above when pin 7 is connected
to GND and the mode is changed to EXT.
PO11 Offset among channels at pedestal voltage level 1
Based on the results of pedestal voltage level 1, calculate
offset among channels.
PO21 Pedestal voltage level 2
In inputting signal Y, measure output voltage at pins 17 , 19 ,
and 21 when voltage at pins 22 and 24 are connected to GND.
Also, measure in the same way as above when pin 7 is
connected to GND and the mode is changed to EXT.
PO21 Offset among channels at pedestal voltage level 2
Based on the results of pedestal voltage level 2, calculate offset
among channels.
Center output voltage level
Measure the center voltage level based on pedestal voltage
levels 1 and 2 of each channel.
M=(pedestal voltage level 1 - pedestal voltage level 2) /2
Offset among channels at center
output voltage level
Based on the result of center output voltage level, measure
offset among channels.
Output amplitude A
In inputting signal Y, measure non-inverted output amplitude
between pedestal level and white level at pins 17 , 19 ,and 201
when pin 22 is 4.5V and voltage at pin 24 is 1.5V. Also, measure
in the same way as above when pin 7 is connected to GND
and the mode is changed to EXT.
Offset among channels at output amplitude A
Based on the results of output amplitude A, calculate the
difference in output amplitude among channels.
Output amplitude B
In inputting signal Y, measure non-inverted output amplitude
between pedestal level and white level at pins 17 , 19 , and 210
when voltage at pin 22 is grounded and voltage at pin 24 is 1.5V.
Also, measure in the same way as above, when pin 7 is
connected to GND and the mode is changed to EXT.
Offset among channels at output amplitude B
Based on the results of output amplitude B, calculate the
difference in output amplitude among channels.
Measure the difference in inverted/inverted output amplitude of
the output waveform found as the results of output amplitude A
and B. Also, measure in the same way as above, when pin 7 is
connected to GND and the mode is changed to EXT.
White balance 1
In inputting signal Y, measure white peak level of each channel
when voltage at pin 22 and 24 are 4.5V (in the state that peak
limiter work). Also, measure in the same way as above when
pin 7 is connected to 4.5V and the mode is changed to EXT.
WO11 Offset among channels at white balance 1
Based on the results of white balance 1, measure offset among
White balance 2
In inputting signal Y, measure white peak level of each channel
when pin 22 is grounded and voltage at pin 24 is 4.5V (in the
state peak limiter works). Also, measure in the same way as
above when pin 7 is connected to GND and the mode is
changed to EXT.