Positive Supply (Pin 24)
The most positive power supply pin, normally + 5 V with
respect to VSS.
Negative Supply (Pin 1)
The most negative supply pin and logic ground, normally
0 V.
Reference Output (Analog Ground) (Pin 2)
This pin is the output of the internal reference supply and
should be bypassed to VDD and VSS with 0.1 µF capacitors.
This pin usually serves as an analog ground reference for
transformer coupling of the device’s incoming bursts from the
line. No external dc load should be placed on this pin.
Line Input (Pin 3)
This pin is an input to the demodulator for the incoming
bursts. The input has an internal 240 kΩ resistor tied to the
Vref pin, so an external capacitor or line transformer may be
used to couple the input signal to the device with no dc offset.
LO1, LO2
Line Driver Outputs (Pins 23, 22)
These push–pull outputs drive the twisted pair transmis-
sion line with a 512 kHz modified DPSK (MDPSK) burst each
125 µs, in other words at an 8 kHz rate. When not modulating
the line, these pins are driven to the active high state —
being the same potential, they create an ac short. When
used in conjunction with feed resistors, proper line termina-
tion is maintained.
Signal Enable Input (Pin 11)
At the time of a negative transition on this pin, an internal
latch stores the states of LB and PD for as long as SE is held
low. During this time, the VD, DO1, and DO2 outputs are
driven to the high–impedance state. When SE is high, all
pins function normally.
Loopback Control (Pin 4)
A low level on this pin ties the internal modulator output to
the internal demodulator input, which loops the entire burst
for testing purposes. During the loopback operation, the LI
input is ignored and the LO1 and LO2 drivers are driven to
the active high level. The state of this pin is internally latched
if the SE pin is held low. This feature is only active when the
PD input is high.
Power–Down Input (Pin 12)
When held low the ISDN UDLT powers down, except the
circuitry that is necessary to demodulate an incoming burst
and to output VD, B, and D channel data bits. When PD is
brought high, the ISDN UDLT powers up. Then, it begins
transmitting every MSI period to the slave device, shortly
after the rising edge of MSI. The state of this pin is latched if
the SE pin is held low.
Valid Data Output (Pin 5)
A high level on this pin indicates that a valid line transmis-
sion has been demodulated. A valid transmission burst is
determined by proper synchronization and the absence of
detected bit errors. VD changes state on the rising edge of
MSI when PD is high. When PD is low, VD changes state at
the end of demodulation of a transmission burst and does not
change again until three MSI rising edges have occurred, at
which time it goes low, or until the next demodulation of a
burst. VD is a standard B–series CMOS output and is high
impedance when SE is low.
Master Sync Input (Pin 16)
This pin is the master, 8 kHz frame reference input. The
rising edge of MSI loads B and D channel data which had
been input during the previous frame into the modulator sec-
tion of the device and initiates the outbound burst onto the
twisted–pair cable. The rising edge of MSI also initiates the
buffering of the B and D channel data demodulated during
the previous frame. MSI should be approximately leading
edge aligned with the TDC/RDC data clock input pin.
High–Speed Clock Input (Pin 17)
An 8.192 MHz clock should be supplied to this input. The
8.192 MHz input should be 50% duty cycle. However, it may
free–run with respect to all other clocks without performance
D1I, D2I
D Channel Signaling Bit Inputs (Pins 6, 7)
These inputs are 16 kbps serial data inputs. Two bits
should be clocked into each of these inputs between the ris-
ing edges of the MSI frame reference clock. The first bit of
each D channel is clocked into an intermediate buffer on the
first falling edge of the DCLK following the rising edge of MSI.
The second bit of each D channel is clocked in on the next
negative transition of the DCLK. If further DCLK negative
edges occur, new information is serially clocked into the buff-
er replacing the previous data one bit at a time. Buffered
D channel data bits are burst to the slave device on the next
rising edge of the MSI frame reference clock.
D1O, D2O
D Channel Signal Outputs (Pins 9, 10)
These serial outputs provide the 16 kbps D channel signal-
ing information from the incoming burst. Two data bits should
be clocked out of each of these outputs between the rising
edges of the MSI frame reference clock. The rising edge of
MSI produces the first bit of each D channel on its respective
pin. Circuitry then searches for a negative D channel clock
edge. This tells the D channel data shift register to produce
the second D channel bit on the next rising edge of the
DCLK. Further positive edges of the DCLK recirculate the
D channel output buffer information.