CMOS Latched
4-/8-Channel Analog Multiplexers
44 V Supply Maximum Rating
VSS to VDD Analog Signal Range
Single-/Dual-Supply Specifications
Wide Supply Ranges (10.8 V to 16.5 V)
Microprocessor Compatible (100 ns WR Pulse)
Extended Plastic Temperature Range
(–40°C to +85°C)
Low Leakage (20 pA typ)
Low Power Dissipation (28 mW max)
Available in 18-Lead DIP/SOIC and 20-Lead PLCC Packages
Superior Alternative to:
The ADG528A and ADG529A are CMOS monolithic analog
multiplexers with eight channels and four dual channels, respec-
tively. On-chip latches facilitate microprocessor interfacing. The
ADG528A switches one of eight inputs to a common output,
depending on the state of three binary addresses and an enable
input. The ADG529A switches one of four differential inputs to
a common differential output, depending on the state of two
binary addresses and an enable input. Both devices have TTL
and 5 V CMOS logic-compatible digital inputs.
The ADG528A and ADG529A are designed on an enhanced
LC2MOS process, which gives an increased signal capability of
VSS to VDD and enables operation over a wide range of supply
voltages. The devices can comfortably operate anywhere in the
10.8 V to 16.5 V single- or dual-supply range. These multiplex-
ers also feature high switching and low RON.
1. Single-/dual-supply specifications with a wide tolerance.
The devices are specified in the 10.8 V to 16.5 V range for
both single- and dual-supplies.
2. Easily Interfaced
The ADG528A and ADG529A can be easily interfaced with
microprocessors. The WR signal latches the state of the
address control lines and the enable line. The RS signal
clears both the address and enable data in the latches result-
ing in no output (all switches off). RS can be tied to the
microprocessor reset pin.
3. Extended Signal Range
The enhanced LC2MOS processing results in a high breakdown
and an increased analog signal range of VSS to VDD.
4. Break-Before-Make Switching
Switches are guaranteed break-before-make so that input
signals are protected against momentary shorting.
5. Low Leakage
Leakage currents in the range of 20 pA make these multiplexers
suitable for high precision circuits.
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One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A.
Tel: 781/329-4700
Fax: 781/326-8703 © 2004 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.