B32921C/D ... B32928C/D
X2 / 305 V AC
Technical data
Reference standard: IEC / UL 60384-14. All data given at T = 20 °C unless otherwise specified.
Max. operating temperature Top,max
Dissipation factor tan δ (in 10-3)
at 20 °C (upper limit values)
+110 °C
at 1 kHz
CR≤0.1 μF 0.1μF<CR ≤2.2 μF CR >2.2 μF
100 kHz 5.0
Insulation resistance Rins
or time constant τ = CR Rins
CR≤0.33 μF CR>0.33 μF
100 000 MΩ 30 000 s
at 20 °C, rel. humidity ≤ 65%
(minimum as-delivered values)
DC test voltage
2121 V, 2 s (C ≤ 10 μF) / 1312 V, 2 s (C > 10 μF)
The repetition of this DC voltage test may damage the capacitor. Special care must be taken in
case of use several capacitors in a parallel configuration.
Passive flammability category
Maximum continuous DC voltage VDC 630 V
Maximum continuous AC voltage VAC 310 V (50/60 Hz)
Rated AC voltage (IEC 60384-14) 305 V (50/60 Hz)
Operating AC voltage Vop at high
Damp heat test
TA ≤ 110 °C
Vop = VAC
TA ≤ 110 °C
Vop = 1.25 VAC (1000 h)
56 days / 40 °C / 93% relative humidity
Limit values after damp heat test
Capacitance change ΔC/C
≤ 5%
Dissipation factor change Δ tan δ ≤ 5.10-3 (at 1 kHz)
Insulation resistance Rins or
time constant τ = CR Rins
≤ 1.0 10-3 (at 10 kHz)
≥ 50% of minimum
as-delivered values
Please read Cautions and warnings and
Important notes at the end of this document.
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