3.6 Pin 6 – Oscillator
The oscillator determines the frequency of the output voltage. This is defined by an external
capacitor, C2. It is charged with a constant current, I, until the upper switching threshold is
reached. A second current source is then activated which taps a double current, 2 × I, from the
charging current. The capacitor, C2, is thus discharged by the current, I, until the lower switching
threshold is reached. The second source is then switched off again and the procedure starts
once more.
Example for Oscillator Frequency Calculation
VT100 = VS × α1 = (VBatt – IS × R3) × α1
VT<100 = VS × α2 = (VBatt – IS × R3) × α2
VTL = VS × α3 = (VBatt – IS × R3) × α3
VT100 = High switching threshold 100% duty cycle
VT<100 = High switching threshold < 100% duty cycle
VTL = Low switching threshold
α1, α2 and α3 are fixed values
The above mentioned threshold voltages are calculated for the following values given in the
VBatt = 12V, IS = 4 mA, R3 = 150Ω
α1 = 0.7, α2 = 0.67 and α3 = 0.28
VT100 = (12V – 4 mA × 150Ω) × 0.7 ≈ 8V
VT<100 = 11.4V × 0.67 = 7.6V
VTL = 11.4V × 0.28 = 3.2V
For a duty cycle of 100%, the oscillator frequency, f, is as follows:
2 × (VT100 – VTL) × C2
where C2 = 22 nF and Iosc = 40 µA
f = -------------------------4---0-----µ---A--------------------------- = 189Hz
2 × (8V – 3.2V) × 22 nF
For a duty cycle of less than 100%, the oscillator frequency, f, is as follows:
f = --------------------------------------------------I-o---s--c--------------------------------------------------
2 × (VT<100 – VTL) × C2 + 4 × VBatt × C4
where C4 = 470 pF
f = ------------------------------------------------------4---0-----µ----A------------------------------------------------------- = 185Hz
2 × (7.6V – 3.2V) × 22 nF + 4 × 12V × 470 pF
A selection of different values of C2 and C4 provides a range of oscillator frequencies from 10Hz
to 2000Hz.
4 U6084B