Min Typ Max Units
Long Term
TA =125°C, 1000Hrs
RMS Output Noise
(% of VOUT )
TA=25°C, 10Hz ≤f ≤10kHz
15 °C/W
Parameters identified with boldface type apply over the full operating temperature range.
Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. For
guaranteed specifications and test conditions, see the Electrical Characteristics. The guaranteed specifications
apply only for the test conditions listed.
Note 2: Line and Load regulation are guaranteed up to the maximum power dissipation of 1.2 W. Power
dissipation is determined by the input/output differential and the output current. Guaranteed maximum power
dissipation will not be available over the full input/output range.
Note 3: See thermal regulation specifications for changes in output voltage due to heating effects. Line and
load regulation are measured at a constant junction temperature by low duty cycle pulse testing. Load
regulation is measured at the output lead ~1/8” from the package.
Note 4: Dropout voltage is specified over the full output current range of the device.
Note 5: Minimum load current is defined as the minimum output current required to maintain regulation.
When 1.5V≤ (VIN - VOUT) ≤12V the device is guaranteed to regulate if the output current is greater than
The BM1117 series of adjustable and fixed regulators are easy to use and are protected against
short circuit and thermal overloads. Thermal protection circuitry will shut-down the regulator
should the junction temperature exceed 165°C at the sense point.
Pin compatible with older three terminal adjustable regulators, these devices offer the
advantage of a lower dropout voltage, more precise reference tolerance and improved
reference stability with temperature.
The circuit design used in the BM1117
To ensure good transient response with
series requires the use of an output
heavy load current changes capacitor
capacitor as part of the device frequency
values on the order of 100mF are used in
compensation. The addition of 22µF solid
the output of many regulators. To further
tantalum on the output will ensure stability
improve stability and transient response
for all operating conditions.
of these devices larger values of output
When the adjustment terminal is bypassed
capacitor can be used.
with a capacitor to improve the ripple
Protection Diodes
rejection, the requirement for an output
Unlike older regulators, the BM1117
capacitor increases. The value of 22µF
family does not need any protection
tantalum covers all cases of bypassing the
diodes between the adjustment pin and
adjustment terminal. Without bypassing the
the output and from the output to the
adjustment terminal smaller capacitors can
input to prevent over-stressing the die.
be used with equally good results.
Internal resistors are limiting the internal