eTPU angle clock hardware
Zero count synchronization
For continuous synchronization of the angle clock with the position of the wheel, the angle
clock has a feature to zero the TCR2 count on detection of a software designated edge. To
use the automatic synchronization feature of the angle clock, the zero count must coincide
with a physical tooth edge.
After the last tooth before the zero count synchronization, the software sets the LAST bit in
the TPR to indicate that the current tooth is the last one in the count cycle. Then, when the
next tooth is detected, the TCR2 count will automatically reset to 0 if the angle clock is in the
Normal or Halt mode. If the angle clock is in the High Rate mode when a tooth is detected
with the LAST bit set, the angle clock will continue the count of the ticks until it is complete
before resetting the TCR2. When TCR2 is reset by a tooth edge with LAST set, the action
also clears the LAST bit.
When the application uses the zero count synchronization feature to reset the TCR2 counter
on a designated tooth each revolution, the TCR2 counter will continuously maintain a value
proportional to the angle of the wheel over a 360 degree range. At steady state, if the
software is properly implemented, the ticks between the teeth will be accurate within about
one TCR1 count. Under deceleration, the tick positions may be in error, but the tooth angles
will be accurate, while under acceleration, the tooth positions may be delayed while the tick
count catches up at a high count rate.
If the software sets the LAST bit on alternate revolutions of the wheel, the TCR2 counter will
count over an angle range of 720 degrees before resetting to zero. This is an important
feature for 4-cycle automotive applications, where the control cycle is 720 degrees.
Error recovery
The eTPU angle clock hardware provides no automatic means to detect errors in the tooth
count while tracking the wheel angle. If missing teeth are programmed between two
normally spaced teeth, the hardware will absolutely insert the required counts, likely going
into High Rate mode for a significant portion of the count. If no missing teeth are inserted in
a gap, the counter will count no higher than TICKS counts and then go into Halt mode for the
rest of the gap. If LAST is asserted on the wrong tooth, the TCR2 counter will reset,
regardless of the TCR2 count, when the next tooth is detected. If the angle clock is
untracked by missed detection of a tooth or spurious additional tooth, it is incumbent on the
software, either in the host or the eTPU, to detect the error and initiate corrective action.
The angle clock hardware does provide means to make a correction in the TCR2 count
when an error is verified by the software. If the application determines that the angle clock
has missed a tooth count and is running with a one tooth deficit in the count, the eTPU
software can insert an additional tooth by asserting the IPH bit in the TPR. When this signal
is asserted, the hardware reacts exactly as if a physical tooth was detected. If the tick
counter is counting in normal mode, it switches to high rate mode, completes the current tick
count, then counts the inserted tooth and continues in normal mode. If the angle clock is in
halt mode, it counts the inserted tooth and starts a tick count in normal mode. Note that if
the IPH is asserted in High Rate mode, it is ignored.
Inserting a tooth by asserting IPH will increase the TCR2 count by exactly one tooth angle
by counting forward to the new angle. No counts are skipped.
If the application determines that the angle clock is ahead of the wheel, it can slow the count
by asserting the HOLD bit in the TPR. When this signal is asserted, the angle clock