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MAX11040EVKIT View Datasheet(PDF) - Maxim Integrated

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Maxim Integrated 
MAX11040EVKIT Datasheet PDF : 31 Pages
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MAX11040 Evaluation Kit/Daughterboard
Detailed Description of Software
The MAX11040 EV kit’s main window is shown in Figure
1. The Setup group box, located at the top of the win-
dow, contains Configuration, Sampling Instant
Control, and Output Data Rate Control group boxes.
Functions related to reading single-sample ADC values
in the ADC Conversion group box are located in the
middle section. Data-logging functions and data calcu-
lation are in the Data Logging group box, located at
the bottom of the main window.
Up to five devices can be cascaded by using the
daughterboards. Select the number of cascaded ICs
from the Number of Devices menu item.
All the settings in the Setup group box correspond to
the registers of the IC specified in the IC Selection
drop-down list. In the IC Selection drop-down list,
MAX11040 IC #1 and MAX11040 IC #2 represent the
ICs (U1 and U2) on the EV kit. MAX11040 IC #3,
MAX11040 IC #4, and MAX11040 IC #5 represent the
ICs on the optionally cascaded daughterboards.
When the EV kit software starts up, or when a different
IC is selected in the IC Selection drop-down list, the
Configuration, Sampling Instant Control, and Output
Data Rate Control group boxes display the content of
the IC specified in the IC Selection drop-down list.
In the Configuration group box, the user can change
the value of the configuration register in the selected IC.
Each checkbox in the Configuration group box corre-
sponds to a bit in the configuration register. Click on
the checkbox to toggle each bit.
Sampling Instant Control
Adjust the appropriate scrollbars in the Sampling
Instant Control group box to set the sampling instant
delay for the input channels.
Output Data Rate Control
There are three panels in the Output Data Rate
Control group box, and each one of them has a differ-
ent way to set up the data rate of the IC. The user can
select one of them by checking the corresponding
radio button on the left of the panel.
To set the sample rate by directly controlling the ADC’s
register (coarse adjust and fine adjust), use the first
panel at the top of the Output Data Rate Control
group box. Select the coarse-adjusted output-data rate
in the Coarse Adjust drop-down list, and adjust the
Fine Adjust scrollbar to set up the output data rate.
The Coarse Adjust drop-down list and the Fine Adjust
scrollbar correspond to the output data rate coarse
adjust register and the output data rate fine adjust reg-
ister, respectively. The actual data rate is displayed in
the Actual Data Rate label.
To set the sample rate by entering a desired sample
rate, and letting the EV kit software calculate the clos-
est possible sample rate, use the Request Data Rate
edit box. Enter the desired data rate into the Request
Data Rate edit box and press the enter key. The pro-
gram sets up the closest possible data rate automati-
cally. The actual data rate is displayed in the Actual
Data Rate label.
To set the sample rate by letting the software detect the
input frequency, and adjust the sample rate to a
desired number of samples per cycle, use the Auto
Adjust Sample Rate group box. The software detects
the frequency of the input signal on any channel select-
ed in the drop-down list. Set up the data rate based on
how many samples per input-signal cycle was request-
ed in the Samples/Cycle edit box. The actual data rate
is displayed in the Actual Data Rate label.
ADC Conversion
The ADC Value Display group box, shown in the ADC
Conversion group box, displays the output data codes
and the calculated voltage values for a single sample
of all of the channels on the IC specified in the IC
Selection drop-down list. Pressing the Convert button
in the ADC Conversion group box updates the status
of the ADC Value Display group box.
Check the Auto Convert checkbox to automatically
and repeatedly read the current ADC value at a rate set
by the Time Interval drop-down list.
Data Logging
Start Conversion
The Data Logging group box is located at the bottom
of the window. The user can select the desired number
of conversions in the Number of Samples drop-down
list. Press the Start Conversion button in the Data
Logging group box to start sampling at the rate that
was set by the Output Data Rate Control group box.
Output File Data
The Save to File button is not active until the sampling
is done. After sampling is finished, and before pressing
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