The L9822ESP DMOS output is a low operating
power device featu-ring, eight 1Ω RDSON DMOS
drivers with transient protection circuits in output
stages. Each channel is independently controlled by
an output latch and a common RESET line which dis-
ables all eight outputs. The driver has low saturation
and short circuit protection and can drive inductive
and resistive loads such as solenoids, lamps and re-
lais. Data is transmitted to the device serially using
the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) protocol. The cir-
cuit receives 8 bit serial data by means of the serial
input (SI) which is stored in an internal register to con-
trol the output drivers. The serial output (SO) pro-
vides 8 bit of diagnostic data representing the voltage
level at the driver output. This allows the micropro-
cessor to diagnose the condition of the output drivers.
The output saturation voltage is monitored by a
comparator for an out of saturation condition and is
able to unlatch the particular driver through the fault
reset line. This circuit is also cascadable with an-
other octal driver in order to jam 8 bit multiple data.
The device is selected when the chip enable (CE)
line is low.
Additionally the (SO) is placed in a tri-state mode
when the device is deselected. The negative edge
of the (CE) transfers the voltage level of the drivers
to the shift register and the positive edge of the (CE)
latches the new data from the shift register to the
drivers. When CE is Low, data bit contained into the
shift register is transferred to SO output at every
SCLK positive transition while data bit present at SI
input is latched into the shift register on every SCLK
negative transition.
Internal Blocks Description
The internal architecture of the device is based on
the three internal major blocks : the octal shift reg-
ister for talking to the SPI bus, the octal latch for hold-
ing control bits written into the device and the octal
load driver array.
Shift Register
The shift register has both serial and parallel inputs
and serial and parallel outputs. The serial input ac-
cepts data from the SPI bus and the serial output
simultaneously sends data into the SPI bus. The
parallel outputs are latched into the parallel latch in-
side the L9822ESP at the end of a data transfer. The
parallel inputs jam diagnostic data into the shift reg-
ister at the beginning of a data transfer cycle.
Parallel Latch
The parallel latch holds the input data from the shift
register. This data then actuates the output stages.
Individual registers in the latch may be cleared by
fault conditions in order to protect the overloaded
output stages. The entire latch may also be cleared
by the RESET signal.
Output Stages
The output stages provide an active low drive signal
suitable for 0.75A continuous loads. Each output
has a current limit circuit which limits the maximum
output current to at least 1.05A to allow for high in-
rush currents. Additionally, the outputs have internal
zeners set to 36 volts to clamp inductive transients
at turn-off. Each output also has a voltage compara-
tor observing the output node. If the voltage exceeds
1.8V on an ON output pin, a fault condition is as-
sumed and the latch driving this particular stage is
reset, turning the output OFF to protect it. The timing
of this action is described below. These compara-
tors also provide diagnostic feedback data to the
shift register. Additionally, the comparators contain
an internal pulldown current which will cause the cell
to indicate a low output voltage if the output is pro-
grammed OFF and the output pin is open circuited.
Figure #2 shows the overall timing diagram from a
byte transfer to and from the L9822ESP using the
SPI bus.
CE High to Low Transition
The action begins when the Chip Enable (CE) pin is
pulled low. The tri-state Serial Output (SO) pin driver
will be enabled entire time that CE is low. At the fall-
ing edge of the CE pin, the diagnostic data from the
voltage comparators in the output stages will be
latched into the shift register. If a particular output is
high, a logic one will be jammed into that bit in the
shift register. If the output is low, a logic zero will be
loaded there. The most significant bit (07) should be
presented at the Serial Input (SI) pin. A zero at this
pin will program an output ON, while a one will pro-
gram the output OFF.
SCLK Transitions
The Serial Clock (SCLK) pin should then be pulled
high. At this point the diagnostic bit from the most
significant output (07) will appear at the SO pin. A
high here indicates that the 07 pin is higher than
1.8V. The SCLK pin should then be toggled low then
high. New SO data will appear following every rising
edge of SCLK and new SI data will be latched into
the L9822ESP shift register on the falling edges. An
unlimited amount of data may be shifted through the
device shift register (into the SI pin and out the SO