- Responds ACK.
- Updates status indicators.
- Returns to previous scanning state.
Echo ( Hex EEH )
- Responds with EE hex.
- Returns to previous scanning state.
Invalid commands ( Hex EF and F1 )
- Returns a RESEND command.
- Returns to previous scanning state.
Select Alternate Scan Codes ( Hex F0 )
- Responds ACK.
- Clears output buffer.
- Sets the default typematic rate/delay.
- Clears last typematic key.
- Receives option byte.
- Responds ACK.
- Option byte =
01 : selects scan code set 1
02 : selects scan code set 2
03 : selects scan code set 3
- Returns to previous scanning rate.
Read ID (F2)
- Responds with ACK.
- Discontinues scanning.
- Sends two ID bytes. The second byte will be sent within 500 uS after first byte.
- Resumes scanning.
Set Typematic Rate/Delay ( Hex F3 )
- Responds ACK.
- Receives rate/delay value byte
- Responds ACK.
- Set rate/delay (* Note 1)
- Returns to previous scanning state.
* Note 1
1. Repeat period = ( 8+A ) x ( 2B) x 0.00417 seconds
A : binary value of bits 2, 1, and 0.
B : binary value of bits 4 and 3.
2. Delay = ( C +1 ) x 250 milliseconds
C : binary value of bits 6 and 5. Bit 7 is always 0.
* This specification are subject to be changed without notice.
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