AXICOM Signal Relays
IM Relay
108-98001 Rev. M
Recommended Soldering Conditions
Soldering conditions according IEC 60058-2-58 and
240 °C
180 °C
130 °C
100 °C
20 - 40 sec Full line: typical
Dotted line: process limits
Time (s)
Vapor Phase Soldering: Temperature/Time Profile
(Lead and Housing Peak Temperature)
Recommended Reflow Soldering Profile
Time (s)
Resistance to Soldering Heat - Reflow Profile
Infrared Soldering: Temperature/Time Profile
(Lead and Housing Peak Temperature)
Time (s)
Infrared Soldering: Temperature/Time Profile
(Lead and Housing Peak Temperature)
All specifications subject to change. Consult Tyco Electronics for latest specifications.
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