NXP Semiconductors
TDA8034T; TDA8034AT
Smart card interface
8.5 Shutdown mode
After a power-on reset, if pin CMDVCCN is HIGH, the circuit enters the Shutdown mode,
ensuring only the minimum number of circuits are active while the TDA8034T/TDA8034AT
waits for the microcontroller to start a session.
• all card contacts are inactive. The impedance between the contacts and GND is
approximately 200 .
• pin I/OUC is high-impedance using the 11 k pull-up resistor connected to VDD(INTF)
• the voltage generators are stopped
• the voltage supervisor is active
• the internal oscillator runs at its lowest frequency (fosc(int)low)
8.6 Activation sequence
The following device activation sequence is applied when using an external clock; see
Figure 6:
1. Pin CMDVCCN is pulled LOW (t0).
2. The internal oscillator is triggered (t0).
3. The internal oscillator changes to high frequency (t1).
4. VCC rises from either 0 V to 3 V or 0 V to 5 V on a controlled slope (t2).
5. Pin I/O is driven HIGH (t3).
6. The clock on pin CLK is applied to the C3 contact (t4).
7. Pin RST is enabled (t5).
Calculation of the time delays is as follows:
• t1 = t0 + 384 1⁄fosc(int)low
• t2 = t1
• t3 = t1 + 17T / 2
• t4 = driven by host controller; > t3 and < t5
• t5 = t1 + 23T / 2
Remark: The value of period T is 64 times the period interval of the internal oscillator at
high frequency (1⁄fosc(int)high); t3 is called td(start) and t5 is called td(end).
Product data sheet
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Rev. 3.1 — 13 December 2012
© NXP B.V. 2012. All rights reserved.
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