Typical Application Circuit
LCD Monitor
Power Supply
Output Power
Input Voltage Range
Universal Input
Output Voltage/Maximum Current
High-Voltage Startup
Built-in 5ms Soft-Start Function
Built-in VIN Pin Pull-High (> 4.7V) Recovery Function for Second-Side Output OVP
Brownout Protection with Hysteresis
Low Standby Mode Power Consumption (Input Wattage <0.3W at No-Load Condition)
Key Design Notes
Resistors R12 and R13 work as a startup resistor to provide necessary current for IC startup. After startup, there is no
power loss on these resistors. The recommended values for R12 and R13 are 130KΩ(1/4W) and 51KΩ(1/4W).
Because the VIN pin is connected through a resistive divider R3 and R16 to the rectified AC input line voltage, it can also
be used for brownout protection. If the VIN voltage is less than 0.7V, the PWM output is shut off. As the VIN voltage
reaches 0.92V, the PWM output is turned on again. The hysteresis window for ON/OFF is 0.22V. The recommended
values for R3+R15, R16, and C16 are 10MΩ (5MΩ+5MΩ), 100KΩ, and 2.2µF. Using these values in the test board, the
power supply is turned off at 66V (maximum load) and recovered at 70V.
The secondary-side over-voltage protection (OVP) is achieved by pulling the VIN pin high. ZD1, ZD2, R29, R30, R31, R32,
C15, and U3 form a secondary-side over-voltage protection (OVP) circuit. When each output reaches OVP, photocoupler
U3 pulls the VIN pin high. The OVP voltages of the 12V-output and 5V-output are 15V and 6.8V, respectively.
© 2008 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation
Rev. 1.0.0 • 9/26/08
Figure 23. Schematic