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LC015A View Datasheet(PDF) - Unspecified

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LC015A Datasheet PDF : 24 Pages
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LC/LW010- and LC/LW015-Series Power Modules:
18 Vdc to 36 Vdc or 36 Vdc to 75 Vdc Inputs, 10 W and 15 W
Data Sheet
March 27, 2008
Ordering Information (continued)
Optional features may be ordered using the device code suffixes shown below. The feature suffixes are listed
numerically in descending order. Please contact your Lineage Power Account Manager or Application Engineer
for pricing and availability of options.
Table 7. Option Codes
Output voltage adjustment
Short pin: 2.8 mm ± 0.25 mm
(0.110 in. ± 0.010 in.)
Short pin: 3.7 mm ± 0.25 mm
(0.145 in. ± 0.010 in.)
Positive logic remote on/off
(cannot be ordered on units
with remote on/off)
Negative logic remote on/off
Device Code Suffix
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© 2008 Lineage Power Corpor ation, (Mesquite, Texas ) All International Rights Res er ved.
March 2008
DS98-041EPS (Replaces DS98-040EPS)

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