SM1126 Series
Parity check command
Data words (tempo word, melody words, end word) can have an optional parity bit added, forming 9-bit data
words, for a parity check function. The parity check command is executed in play mode, immediately after the
end-of-write command is executed.
The parity bit is added at the beginning of the data word. Note that the last 8 bits are always the valid data
bits. The parity check function performs an odd parity check (an odd number of 1s within the 9-bit data). If the
parity check command is not executed, play mode operation continues using the valid 8 bits of data in each
data word.
The parity check sequence is described below.
1. The internal G flag (Good flag) is set to 1 when the write command is executed.
2. When writing data words, the G flag remains set to 1 for odd parity, but is set to 0 if even parity is detected.
3. The G flag remains set to 1 only if all data words have odd parity.
4. Write the end-of-write command to return to play mode.
5. Write the parity check command.
6. When ST is HIGH, the SIO pin functions as the G flag output.
7. When ST goes LOW, the G flag output is released.
END-WRITE mode command
Parity Check Command
When G Flag = 1
When G Flag = 0
WRITE mode
PLAY mode
SIO Condition
G Flag
Figure 15. Parity check timing