Quad high-side smart power solid state-relay
Datasheet - production data
Vdemag(1) RDS(on)(1) IOUT(1) VCC(1)
VN340SP-E VCC-55 V 0.2 Ω 0.7 A 36 V
1. Per channel
• Output current: 0.7 A per channel
• Digital I/O clamped at 32 V minimum voltage
• Shorted load and overtemperature protections
• Protection against loss of ground
• Built-in current limiter
• Undervoltage shutdown
• Open drain diagnostic output
• Fast demagnetization of inductive loads
• Conformity to IEC 61131-2
The VN340SP-E is a monolithic device developed
using ST VIPower™ technology, intended to drive
four independent resistive or inductive loads with
one side connected to ground. Active current
limitation avoids dropping the system power
supply in case of shorted load. Built-in thermal
shutdown protects the chip from overtemperature
and short-circuit. The open drain diagnostic
output indicates overtemperature conditions.
Each I/O is pulled down when the
overtemperature condition of the relative channel
is verified.
Figure 1. Block diagram
December 2014
This is information on a product in full production.
DocID11468 Rev 6