COMP (A1): Current Control Threshold and Error Ampli-
fier Compensation Point. The current comparator’s trip
threshold is linearly proportional to this voltage, whose
normal range is from 0.3V to 1.8V. Tie the COMP pins
together for parallel operation. The device is internally
compensated. Strictly an output pin. Do not drive this pin.
TRACK/SS (A2): Output Tracking and Soft-Start Input.
Allows the user to control the rise time of the output volt-
age. Putting a voltage below 0.6V on this pin bypasses the
internal reference input to the error amplifier, and servos
the FB pin to match the TRACK/SS voltage. Above 0.6V,
the tracking function stops and the internal reference
resumes control of the error amplifier. There’s an internal
2µA pull-up current from INTVCC on this pin, so putting a
capacitor here provides a soft-start function.
RUN (A3): Run Control Input of the Switching Mode
Regulator. Enables chip operation by tying RUN above
1.2V. Pulling it below 1.1V shuts down the part. Do not
leave floating.
FREQ (A4): Frequency is set internally to 1MHz. An ex-
ternal resistor can be placed from this pin to SGND to
increase frequency, or from this pin to INTVCC to reduce
frequency. See the Applications Information section for
frequency adjustment.
FB (B1): The Negative Input of the Error Amplifier. Inter-
nally, this pin is connected to VOUT with a 60.4k precision
resistor. Different output voltages can be programmed
with an additional resistor between the FB and SGND pins.
Tying the FB pins together allows for parallel operation.
See the Applications Information for details.
PHMODE (B2): Control Input to Phase Selector of the
Switching Mode Regulator Channel. This pin determines
the phase relationship between internal oscillator and
CLKOUT signal. Tie it to INTVCC for 2-phase operation, tie
it to SGND for 3-phase operation, and tie it to INTVCC/2
for 4-phase operation.
GND (B3, C3, D3-D4, E3): Power Ground Pins for Both
Input and Output Returns.
SGND (B4): Signal Ground Connection. Tie to GND with
minimum distance. Connect FREQ resistor, COMP com-
ponent, MODE, TRACK/SS component, FB resistor to this
pin as needed.
VOUT (C1, D1-D2, E1-E2): Power Output Pins. Apply out-
put load between these pins and GND pins. Recommend
placing output decoupling capacitance directly between
these pins and GND pins.
PGOOD (C2): Output Power Good with Open-Drain Logic.
PGOOD is pulled to ground when the voltage on the FB pin
is not within ±10% of the internal 0.6V reference.
MODE (C4): Operation Mode Select. Tie this pin to INTVCC
to force continuous synchronous operation at all output
loads. Tying it to SGND enables discontinuous mode
operation at light loads. Do not leave floating.
SVIN (C5): Signal VIN. Filtered input voltage to the on-chip
3.3V regulator. Tie this pin to the VIN pin in most applica-
tions or connect SVIN to an external voltage supply of at
least 4V which must also be greater than VOUT.
VIN (D5, E5): Power Input Pins. Apply input voltage be-
tween these pins and GND pins. Recommend placing
input decoupling capacitance directly between VIN pins
and GND pins.
INTVCC (E4): Internal Regulator Output. The internal power
drivers and control circuits are powered from this voltage.
This pin is internally decoupled to GND with a 1µF low ESR
ceramic capacitor. Do not drive this pin.
CLKIN (A5): External Synchronization Input to Phase
Detector of the Switching Mode Regulator. This pin is
internally terminated to SGND with 20k. The phase-locked
loop will force the top power NMOS’s turn-on signal to
be synchronized with the rising edge of the CLKIN signal.
CLKOUT (B5): Output Clock Signal for PolyPhase Operation
of the Switching Mode Regulator. The phase of CLKOUT
with respect to CLKIN is determined by the state of the
PHMODE pin. CLKOUT’s peak-to-peak amplitude is INTVCC
to GND. Do not drive this pin.
Rev D
For more information