Linear Technology
Step-Up/Step-Down Switched Capacitor DC/DC Converters with Reset

Linear Technology
Serial 16-Bit Multiplying DACs

Linear Technology
Isolated RS485 Transceiver

Linear Technology
Backup Battery Controller with Programmable Output

Linear Technology
12-/14-/16-Bit SoftSpan DACs with Programmable Output Range

Linear Technology
14-Bit and 16-Bit Parallel Low Glitch Multiplying DACs with 4-Quadrant Resistors

Linear Technology
4- and 8-Channel, Micropower Sampling 12-Bit Serial I/O A/D Converters

Linear Technology
Low Noise, Switched Capacitor Regulated Voltage Inverters

Linear Technology
Software-Selectable Multiprotocol Transceiver

Linear Technology
5-Bit Programmable Synchronous Switching Regulator Controller for Pentium® II Processor

Linear Technology
High Efficiency Step-Down DC/DC Converters with Internal Schottky Diode

Linear Technology
Precision Triple Supply Monitor for PCI Applications

Linear Technology
50Mbps Precision Quad Line Receiver