M/A-COM Technology Solutions, Inc.
GaAs DPDT Diversity Switch 0.5 - 3.0 GHz

Tyco Electronics
Broadband Monolithic Silicon PIN Diode Switches

M/A-COM Technology Solutions, Inc.
HMIC™ Silicon PIN Diode SPDT Switch 50 MHz - 20 GHz

M/A-COM Technology Solutions, Inc.
HMIC™ SP4T Silicon PIN Diode Switch

M/A-COM Technology Solutions, Inc.
GaAs SPDT Switch, Absorptive, Single Supply, DC-4.0 GHz

M/A-COM Technology Solutions, Inc.
GaAs SP3T Absorptive Switch with ASIC Driver, DC-3.0 GHz

M/A-COM Technology Solutions, Inc.
GaAs SPDT Terminated Switch DC - 3.0 GHz

M/A-COM Technology Solutions, Inc.
GaAs SPDT Switch DC - 20 GHz

M/A-COM Technology Solutions, Inc.
SPDT High Isolation CATV and Satellite Communications Switch, 5 – 3000 MHz

M/A-COM Technology Solutions, Inc.
GaAs SP6T 2.5 V High Power Switch Dual- / Tri- / Quad-Band GSM Applications

M/A-COM Technology Solutions, Inc.
SURMOUNT PIN Diode Switch Element with Thermal Terminal

Tyco Electronics
GaAs SPDT Switch, Absorptive, Single Supply, DC-4.0 GHz

M/A-COM Technology Solutions, Inc.
GaAs SPDT Absorptive Switch with ASIC Driver, DC-3.0 GHz

Tyco Electronics
High Power GaAs DPDT Diversity Switch DC - 4.0 GHz