Philips Electronics
20 V NPN general purpose transistors

Wall Industries,Inc.
2-pin Input Connector 150 Watt Single Output AC/DC U-Bracket Power Supply for I.T.E.

Wall Industries,Inc.
40 Watt Single Output AC/DC Power Supply

Philips Electronics
PNP medium power 25 V transistor

Wall Industries,Inc.
3-pin Input Connector 150 Watt Single Output AC/DC Open Frame Power Supply for I.T.E.

Power-One Inc.
9...25 A Switching Regulators

Philips Electronics
20 V NPN general purpose transistors

Power-One Inc.
9 - 25 A Switching Regulator

Power-One Inc.
9...25 A Switching Regulators

TDK Corporation
Ultra Compact, 1.5W to 12W Single and Dual DC-DC Converters

Wall Industries,Inc.
100 Watt Single Output AC/DC Power Supply

Wall Industries,Inc.
40 Watt Single Output AC/DC Power Supply