Product Specification
4.3. Electrical Specification:
The low pass filter shall satisfy the following parametric limits shown in this table across the
Line side of this device.
Splitter parameters
Electrical requirements
Splitter bandwidth
DC to 4 kHz
Nominal voice band
0.3 kHz to 3.4 kHz
Ringing frequency
15.3 Hz to 68 Hz
ADSL band
30 kHz to 1104 kHz
Line Impedance ZL
Modem impedance
300 Hz to 3.4 kHz
30 kHz to 1104 kHz
600 ohms
100 ohms
Operation voltage voice band
Nominal signal
21 mVpp to 5.4 Vpp
Ringing signal
40 Vrms to 150 Vrms
( 113 Vpp to 424 Vpp )
DC voltage
0 V to 105 V
Max. AC voltage
150 Vrms with –105 VDC
Max. differential
320 V
Operation current voice band
Loop current
< 100 mA
DC resistance
DC resistance
Tip to Tip / Ring to Ring < 12 ohms
Isolation resistance
Tip to Ring
> 10 Mohms
Differential input blocking impedance
20 kHz
> 2 kohms
Line side
30 kHz
5 MHz to 10 MHz
> 3 kohms
> 2 kohms
10 MHz to 400 MHz
Voice band characteristics
Insertion loss between 600 ohms
1004 Hz
< 0.3 dB
resistive single filter
With 5 filters
1004 Hz
< 0.5 dB
Data sheet subject to change without notice