1.3 Features - Monitor (M) Mode
Command History List
The BCRTM’s linked list command block structure permits
the BCRTM to process a series of monitored messages
without host intervention.
Monitor Selected Terminal Address
The host can select the remote terminals to be monitored by
programming the proper bits in the Terminal Address Select
registers (Registers16 and 17). The BCRTM can monitor
any or all remote terminals.
Variable Space Allocation
The BCRTM can use as little or as much memory (up to
64K) as needed
Selectable Data Storage
Address programmability within the BCRTM provides
flexible data placement and convenient access.
Sequential Data Storage
The BCRTM stores, by Terminal Address, all 1553
messages in the order in which they are transacted.
Programmable Interrupt Selection
The host can select a wide variety of events that may cause
an interrupting event.
Interrupt History List
The BCRTM stores, chronologically in memory, an
Interrupt History List of each event that causes an interrupt.