TQ8105/TQ8106 Design Notes
These design notes are provided to assist the circuit
designer in achieving the highest possible performance
while reducing design time. Unless noted otherwise,
references to the TQ8105 apply equally to the TQ8106.
Interfacing to PMC-Sierra Devices
The transmit timing of the TQ8105 is such that the
PMC-Sierra byte outputs (POUT(0:7)) may be directly
connected to the TQ8105 mux inputs (MXD(0:7)). The
TQ8105 uses an Out-Of-Frame (OOF) input as a signal
to reframe while high, allowing direct connection of the
PM5355's OOF output to the TQ8105 OOF input. The
following summarizes connectivity between the devices.
PM5355 TQ8105/TQ8106
POUT(0:7) MXD(0:7)
PIN(0:7) DXD(0:7)
POP(0:5) Any TQ8105 modes to be programmable
PIP(0:3) Any TQ8105 diag outputs to be readable
Reference Design
A reference design (see Figure 4) and evaluation board
are available from TriQuint. They incorporate a 1x9 or
2x9 fiber optic transceiver (with the option of clock
recovery), the PM5355 PMC Sierra framer device, and
a TQ8105 or TQ8106.
Thermal Considerations
Figure 9 shows the region where the use of a heatsink is
not required. For example, the TQ8105 does not require
a heatsink for ambient temperatures up to 55°C in still
air. An airflow of 100 LFPM raised this temperature to
approximately 75°C, eliminating heatsink requirements.
clips soldered to the board to cross and hold the
heatsink. The clip holes in the board are at the corners of
a 1.275” x 1.5” rectangle. Another alternative is the
circular heatsink, #2288B from Thermalloy attached with
their Thermattach #19686-3.
Power Supplies
Good decoupling practices should be observed, with a
0.1 uF decoupling capacitor at each supply pin, ideally
on the component side of the board. Keep the analog
supplies (Vdd and AVdd) pristine. Proper design will
isolate the supply groups using point grounding to tie
supplies together (all grounds at a single point having
multiple vias).
For the analog supply, flood copper under the loop filter
on the component side of the board, tying the flood to
the analog ground pin, with the point ground away from
the filter and analog pin, so that any switching currents
are kept away from these areas. If any switching,
power-supply frequencies below 500 kHz are used in
the system, use a supply filter on the analog supply pin.
These practices help minimize the generation of jitter.
High-Speed Connections
Connections to E/O modules (and clock reference, if
used) are direct-coupled PECL and need to be terminated
with decoupled 50 ohms to 3V at the receiving end of the 50
ohm transmission line. Ensure that each 50 ohm resistor
(or Thevenin equivalent) has its own decoupling
capacitor. Place the resistor at the end of a 50 ohm
transmission line (use a controlled impedance layer),
ideally with a minimal-length stub attached to either the
resistor or the receiving device.
If there is no room for the resistor, use a minimal-
length stub to drop the signal at the receiving device
pins, continue the 50 ohm transmission line to an area
where the termination resistors can be placed, and
terminate at the endpoint of that line. If in doubt,
contact factory applications for assistance.
In applications requiring a heatsink, a standard pin-fin
heat-sink is appropriate. To attach the sink, use spring
For additional information and latest specifications, see our website: www.triquint.com