3. System Clock
The LC78834M can handle two system clocks types: either a 384 fs clock or a 512 fs clock.
The CKSL pin selects which clock type is used.
System Clock
384 fs
512 fs
• CKOUT pin
The CKOUT pin is a system clock output pin.
4. Digital Audio Data Input
Digital audio data is a 16- or 18-bit serial signal in a two’s complement MSB first format. The 16- or 18-bit serial
data is input from the DATA pin to an internal register on the rising edge of the BCLK signal, and that register is
read in on the rising and falling edges of the LRCK signal.
Digital Audio Data Input Timing
Note: When the MODE pin is low, DATA1 is read in, and when high, DATA2.
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